Anxiety Counselling in Neutral Bay, Mosman and Throughout North Shore

Anxiety Counselling in Byron Bay, Crows Nest & Surrounds
Body Psychotherapy and counselling are really effective tools for lessening the grip of anxiety on your life.
Anxiety, stress, distraction, worry and overwhelm are pervasive problems that plague many of us. Being in constant state of fear or anxiety is no fun. It can stop you from doing activities, seeing friends, and going to certain places. It can even hijack your career. Feeling too much anxiety about something gets in the way and limits our experience of living the fullness of our lives with ease and joy.

However it is possible to change how your body and brain is affected by the symptoms of anxiety. Current research in neuroscience shows by integrating body psychotherapy and counseling in the regulation of your nervous system will lessen the affect anxiety has on your body and brain.
Are you…
- Constantly worrying? Ruminating (going over the same thing again and again)? Obsessive thinking? Experiencing excessive fear?
- Feeling your heart racing, constriction in your chest, shallow breathing, feeling tense and on the edge? Is your digestion system upset? Maybe you’re even having panic attacks. Perhaps you have PTSD.
- Problems getting to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night worrying?
- Using food, alcohol or other sedatives to calm your self down?
- Avoiding people, places or things that make you feel anxious?
Embodied Presence has two clinics offering anxiety counselling sessions in either Byron Bay or Crows Nest, Sydney. We have clients from throughout NSW from Tweed Heads to Ballina and beyond.
How our anxiety counselling can help you find balance
Embodied Presence anxiety counselling can help your nervous system, thoughts and emotions regulate and relax in ways that may feel new and balanced to your body.
The following are ways in which we work to help you regulate and lessen the symptoms of anxiety.
- When you’re anxious your thoughts are usually speeding ahead to the future. So we’re going to bring you right back to the present moment.
- We’ll slow everything right down. We may use some mindfulness techniques. Or we may focus on your breathing and relaxation techniques.
- Perhaps we’ll do some gentle movement to ‘ground’ you. This is simply a moving form of mindfulness and it means bringing your focus to right now in the present time (and it stops you thinking about the future).
- And we’ll talk. We’ll explore what’s going on in your life that’s creating anxiety. We’ll look at what’s triggering you. We’ll look at what’s happened in your past that may be coming up now.
- We might add in some movement or sounding to help drain away the tension in your body and help relax your nervous system.
- Or perhaps some breathing exercises to slow and deepen your breath to get more oxygen into your body.
- We’ll come up with some strategies that work especially for you.
Some further information about anxiety that may be helpful.
Anxiety is a highly orchestrated response to a perceived threat or challenge that includes biological, behavorial, cognitive and emotional elements. As humans, we can become highly anxious over an entirely imagined or improperly assessed event. Good events can also cause anxiety, such as the birth of a child, getting a new job, moving or beginning a new relationship or marriage.
Anxiety can be chronic (on going) OR acute (one time only) and still cause serious emotional and physical ailments. That’s why it is crucial to learn how to properly identify and process anxiety through perception, expression, regulation and modification.
Anxiety is the body’s physical response to fear. Everyone feels anxious at times, and a certain level of anxiety is both normal and even helpful in some situations. It’s our body’s way of keeping us safe. For instance, imagine you’re walking home, and you’re dragging your feet because you’re tired. Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see a snake. Suddenly, you forget how tired you are and have a burst of energy that helps you to get away.
Anxiety can also motivate us. If we feel a bit anxious about an assignment that’s due, it can help us to get it done on time. However, feeling too much anxiety about something usually gets in the way and can be unhealthy.
Book anxiety counselling in Byron Bay or Sydney
Would you like to get some help so you can live the life you want without the grip of anxiety and fear overcoming and limiting you? If you would like to come and see me, call 0418 296 107 to arrange an appointment in the Byron Bay or Sydney clinics.
If you’re feeling unsure or want to ask me what anxiety counselling or body psychotherapy is all about, I offer a FREE 20 minute consultation/discovery session by phone for new clients. You can call me on 0418 296 107 or fill out the contact form and I will get in touch with you.
or contact Phoebe to book a session